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Chinese mobilephone Secret Codes:
*#66*# Set Factory Mode CONFIRMED*#8375#
Show Software Version CONFIRMED *#1234# A2DP ACPMode CONFIRMED *#1234# A2DP INT Mode CONFIRMED*#0000# + Send :
Set Default Language CONFIRMED*#0007# + Send : Set Language to Russian CONFIRMED *#0033# + Send :
Set Language to French CONFIRMED*#0034# + Send :
Set Language to Spanish CONFIRMED *#0039# + Send :
Set Language to Italian CONFIRMED*#0044# + Send :
Set Language to English CONFIRMED *#0049# + Send :
Set Language to German CONFIRMED*#0066# + Send : Set Language to Thai CONFIRMED *#0084# + Send : Set Language to Vietnamese CONFIRMED*#0966# + Send : Set Language to Arabic CONFIRMED *#800# make Etel E10 model displaying message BT power on. But on displayit dont resemble the blutooth power on icon.(actu ally t makes BT stuck, but after restarting t becomes normal y me>)
More codes to reset chinese mobile phone
*#77218114 #
*#94267357 #
*#9426*357 #
*#19912006 #
also foundthese Service codesKonka: C926 software version:*320# Send C926 set default language: *#0000# Send C926set English language: *#0044#Send Service codes GStar: GM208 (Chinese Nokea 6230+) engineerin g menu: *#66*# Set language to English:*#0044# Set language to Russian: *#0007# ZTE Mobile1-*938*73738 1# 2- PHONE WILL DIPLAYED DONE 3-POWER OFF YOUR PHONE AND POWER ON AGAIN alcatel ” type=”#_x0 000_t75″>E 205 unlocking phone code,only press***84 7# without simcard E900 software version:*#5002*837 6263# E900 full reset:*2767*3855 # Service codes Spice: S404 enableCOM port: *#42253646 633# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS -> UART1/1152 00 S410 engineer mode:*#3646633# S900 software version:*#8375# S900 serial no:*#33778# Service codes Philips: S200 enable COM port:*#3338913# -> Device ->Set UART -> PS -> UART1/1152 00 Service codes “Chinese” models:default user code: 1122,3344, 1234, 5678 Engineer mode
Engineer mode:*#110*01# Factory mode: *#987# Enable COM port: *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/1152 00 Restore factory settings:*#987*99# LCD contrast: *#369# software version:*#800# software version: *#900# ServicecodesBenQ: software version:*#300# test mode:*#302*2004 0615# Service codes Pantech: software version: *01763*798 37# service menu:*01763*476 # reset defaults (phone/use r code reset to default):*01763*737 381# Service codes VK-Mobile**x, 5xx: software version: *#79#software version:*#837# service menu:*#85*364# (hold #) Service codes VK200, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK4000: software version:*#79# service menu:*#9998*833 6# (hold#)reset defaults (phone/use r code reset to default):*#9998*732 8# (hold#)
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